E Learning App Case Study

Batool Ronaghy LMS App 

Batool Ronaghy Learning Management System (LMS) app is a revolutionary mobile application. It furnishes an engaging, user-friendly platform for online learning; it was designed with versatility in mind – offering a diverse range of courses and quizzes. Users thus gain empowerment–they can augment their skill sets and broaden their knowledge across various fields. This case study probes into the development process: it illuminates key steps taken and tools employed–with particular emphasis on the design phase executed via Figma.

Supported Platforms

Tools Used


Develop a mobile application that provides online learning, offering an array of courses and quizzes on diverse topics; this app must boast a user-friendly interface. 

Design Phase

1. Understanding User Needs 

  • The project started with a thorough analysis of the target audience and their learning requirements.
  • In close collaboration with the Batool Ronaghy Foundation, key features and functionalities were identified: a strategic approach aimed at meeting users’ needs.

2. Wireframing 

  • To establish the app’s basic structure wireframes were created; these defined key element placements–navigation menus, course listings and quiz interfaces.
  • The initial wireframes were shared with the client, seeking their feedback and approval as a prerequisite to progressing towards the subsequent stage.

3. Prototyping 

  • Figma was utilized to develop interactive prototypes: this approach offered a more tangible experience of the app’s navigation and user flow.
  • User feedback and client input refined the prototypes, ensuring a seamless–and intuitive: user experience.

4. Visual Design 

  • Once a solid structure and seamless flow was established, attention was shifted towards integrating Batool Ronaghy Foundation’s branding elements and crafting an aesthetically appealing interface.
  • High-fidelity mockups were developed to exhibit the app’s final look: these encompassed color schemes, typography, and iconography.

5. Iteration

  • Through iterative design cycles, the final product’s alignment with our vision and accomplishment of our foundation’s goals was guaranteed.

Style Guide

A cohesive style guide ensures the website’s visual identity remains consistent, offering a polished and immersive experience for visitors, reinforcing the website’s brand presence.


Color Palette








Development Phase 

1. Technology Stack 

  • Flutter was chosen for app development, providing a cross-platform framework for building iOS and Android applications.

2. Agile Development 

  • The development process followed agile methodologies, allowing for incremental updates and continuous testing.
  • Regular sprints and feedback loops ensured that the issues were promptly addressed, and changes were incorporated as needed.

3. Testing and Quality Assurance 

  • Throughout the development process, testing was rigorously conducted –unit testing; integration testing; and user acceptance testing.
  • The feedback garnered from the beta testing phase proved instrumental in identifying and subsequently resolving all remaining issues prior to the official release.

UI Screens

Client’s Testimonial
